Saturday, January 26, 2019

All By Myself-Gen. 1-And Then There Were Two

Hello again. It's been a little while since I've updated. I've been playing, just to lazy to give an account. Making up for it now. This will cover a few days worth of play.

Starting funds. She has a modest bank account, but we're working on it. When we last left off she'd just had Beckham.

I let him stay in "object" form for the required amount of days. She needed to work on her skills when she could.

But his birthday did roll around. He got the fussy trait. Fun times ahead.

It's not easy being a single mom with a toddler.

But at least he's cute.

Once she was off maternity leave, she did manage to get a new promotion. We've FINALLY hit the level to decide what branch she wants to head into.

And the funds keep growing, slow, but steady.

Gavin aka the baby daddy kept calling so figured he could come meet his son. Though with his EA fashion sense, maybe not too many times.

It's birthday time again.

Though I realized I forgot to write down the new trait he gained. Either way I think it was the mean one. He's a handful. LOL

Even with his smart mouth, because seriously he's always mouthing off LOL Ayra tries to play the role of good mom. And I need to buy them some more lights! hahaha

Another promotion.

The house is falling apart.

And with this being a going solo challenge I will be working through the kid aspirations as well. So off to the playground for Beckham's sake.

Where they both stand as of now. Ayra will be done with hers soon.

Update 4


  1. Things seem to be moving along nicely with Arya. She should complete her Aspiration without a problem. Beckham is too cute. Too bad they don't have soccer implemented in the game for him.

    1. Yeah, she's cruising through. The aspiration is moving much easier than her career. :( LOL yeah, he totally should play soccer with his name.

      thanks for reading

  2. Great progress! Beckham is adorable
