Sunday, June 11, 2017

The House of Rubin: Gen. 1 Update 3

Twins! That's right when we left off Jazmine had given birth to freaking twins. Goodbye sleep, hello crying babies with poopy diapers.

But the parents couldn't be happier. Everything is teamwork.

Hayes is sure to show his wife how much he loves and appreciates her while the little ones are sleeping. Quality time together is key.

So we have some success. With Jazmine's promotion and all the digging these two have done they were able to afford a house. This little beauty is called Just A Room made by hubpala in the gallery.

The cheapest thing I could find at just over $5000 or so, didn't write it down. Bad me. The happy couple had just under that, but buying it unfurnished helped. They even had a little money left over afterwards.

But as you can see it's not perfect, they are still showering and such outside.

But no longer sleeping under the stars. Good thing there isn't weather in this game yet.

Times are tough, but the romance is still very much alive.

Jazmine is a very good mother and always has a smile on her face while caring for the twins. Which is needed because Burke is a handful.

Hayes is struggling a little trying to find his latest suspect. (hello Daddy in another life)

After a hard day of walking the beat, he's home to take care of the little ones while momma goes to work.

Jazmine has late hours so Hayes isn't getting much rest. Like I said before Burke is more the crier of the two of them.

While they sleep, Hayes starts a small garden. Every little bit helps.

These two are always flirting.

As much as I didn't want to fulfill this whim, I let it happen. Plus it's the best way to fill the fun bar.

The look on his face! LOL It's like he knows if she didn't take precautions they could have more. Drink up that birth control Jazmine! Every last drop!!

Yes that is leading where you think it's leading. Seriously Jazmine can't get enough. LOL This time she didn't have the option to drink the birth control, but we dodged a bullet all the same.

Regardless, she's happy. LOL

To help with Haye's boredom, I got them a bookshelf. No radio, but this was cheaper. Maybe if he actually gets a promotion he can afford some splurges. So far it's been only Jazmine.

He seems okay with it, for now.

It's birthday time!

Burke got clingy as his trait. Considering how needy he was as a baby, it fits.

However, the randomizer I used for that is off the legacy rules site and clingy was the only trait that kept popping up no matter how many times I refreshed because I didn't want the same one for Madison. You see they had a known issue with it only giving angelic before. :(

Hence a different randomizer used for her. I thought about redoing the one for Burke, but seriously clingy fits him. LOL

Gotta love EA genetics. LOL

So to make room for more stuff for the twins, the parents are once again sleeping under the stars.

Forgot to right down the ending money. I need to do better with that. On another note, the first bills came in and they were doable. Hope it stays low like that.


  1. Aww, the twins are adorable! Though do love EA genetics.. one looks like mom and the other looks dad. : ) I've heard that's happened in real life twins before. Wait a minute birth control is an option in sims 4?! Or is that a mod? I'm glad they got some shelter. Though I'm sure Hayes and Jazmine don't mind sleeping under a starlit sky. : )

    1. Thank you. I wish EA would give us more hair options for the toddlers soon. Crazy how they aren't a mix of the parents but instead clones of them. Um not sure if it's the game or a mod. I do have MC command center in game so it might come from that. It shows up when my sim is flirty, but only when flirty.

      I'm glad they could afford a shelter even if they have been kicked out for the kids. LOL

      thanks for reading

  2. I am amazed their bill was only $300 considering that stupid expensive statue they have to keep.

    They're off to a great start with that little room/house. A good parent sleeps under the stars so their children have shelter.
